Facebook Ad- Netflix

Ευσταθία Κολοβού
4 min readFeb 12, 2021

In this project we would like to find a brand that has been a piece of our lives. We would like to approach the majority of people. We would like to promote a brand that definitely more and more people are fun at. We discussed a lot of products. Beverage’s brands, common chips’ brands. But we noticed that none of them had succeeded during the last months since the lockdown cancelled a lot of projects, people’s daily life and their plans. We tried to adapt the brand to our daily lives. Now more than ever our house has been the place we used to be most hours of the day due to the difficult pandemic of Covid-19. We could not think of a more suitable Brand that campaigns our daily routine. Netflix was our best Choice. In the lockdown period Netflix users were increased radically.

Our target group doesn’t have limits. Netflix is everybody’s best friend in these hard times that we pass through. So with this advertising we have a double aim. Firstly, to make our current customers extend their subscription. Therefore, to promote Netflix Brand and develop the client’s list. We aim to have more and more subscribers every day.

Despite the fact that Netflix is our Brand we had an extended discussion if we advertise directly the Netflix Brand if we would choose to promote a movie on the platform under the umbrella of Netflix. We eventually decided that it would be better to highlight the Queen’s Gambit Series which has caused a lot of buzz the last months. It is a famous series based on the game of chess which demands deep thought, passion and strategy. Most of the Netflix’ viewers had loved the series. So we were absolutely sure that at a first glance our Ad would get noticed by the user.

How did we set up our advertisement? The idea is simple and friendly to the user. From early ages people are used to imitating everything they like so as to evolve. Behaviours, expressions etc. In this form they even imitate film heroes with their friends playing games. So we were very interested to give this familiar sight to our advertisement. The main idea of the Ad is a short extract from Queen’s Gambit series. An imitation from our team playing chess follows. And lastly, the key of the engagement, our question to the public: Who is the hero that you would like to imitate?

This video shoot was one of the most enjoyable tasks but was also one of the most nerve-racking. During the planning process prior to the video shoot we tried to make sure that everything has been set up perfectly. By this we mean, the concept of the whole idea and even the lighting conditions during the shooting.

Firstly, a lot of background noise occurred many times during the shooting.
Unfortunately we did not have professional production systems offering luxury sounds. We tried to eliminate certain frequencies coming from humming noises in post production editing, but it was impossible to correct them all.Therefore, proper lighting is critical. We selected a day in which the weather would helpus a lot. How? By having of course plenty of natural light coming in, throughthe window. The problem was that the weather is unpredictable and we had to addartificial light, which had very different effects on the video. Especially inediting, again.

Last but not least are the necessary changes in the editing stage. Some things that we did not expect, mostly in the audio part, came up and we had to either convert the sound or totally eliminate it. We tried not to alter the whole idea due to that, cause on the one hand was too late and all in all editing’ s goal is to bring the pieces together and create a -close to the reality- pleasant video.

In order to engage the users, we decided to add a question at the end of the video. More specifically, we asked people to write which character of the Netflix series and movies they would like to imitate during quarantine. They were also asked to mention more than one friend so that more people would react to the post. In general, we had a satisfying interaction with the users, we gathered many comments and likes. From the comments, it seemed that people found the post really funny and agreeable. Due to the new reality that we are facing we wanted to create content which will make people imagine who they would like to be and where, in order to make them believe for a better future.

However, one doubt that we had about the post was to let people react to it only by liking and not by commenting as well, so that the post would have more impact to the users. In addition, about the question, we were wondering if it would be better to make a close-type question in which people will answer with yes or no rather than the open-type question we used. Nevertheless, our post has had an unexpected response to the AD & PR Lab community and we were contented by the result .

